Contracts - A composable way to represent financial instruments
Contracts are a composable way to represent financial instruments. They are, in essence, anything that is a collection of cashflows. Contracts can be combined to represent more complex instruments. For example, a bond can be represented as a collection of cashflows that correspond to the coupon payments and the principal repayment.
- a
- Compositional contracts:
to represent an instrument that is relative to a forward point in time.Composite
to represent the combination of two other instruments.
In the future, this notion may be extended to liabilities (e.g. insurance policies in LifeContingencies.jl)
- a fundamental financial type
Say you wanted to model a contract that paid quarterly payments, and those payments occurred starting 15 days from the valuation date (first payment time = 15/365 = 0.057)
Previously, you had two options:
- Choose a discrete timestep to model (e.g. monthly, quarterly, annual) and then lump the cashflows into those timesteps. E.g. with monthly timesteps of a unit payment of our contract, it might look like:
- Keep track of two vectors: one for the payment and one for the times. In this case, that might look like:
cfs = [1,1,...];
times =[0.057, 0.307...]
The former has inaccuracies due to the simplified timing and logical complication related to mapping the contracts natural periodicity into an arbitrary modeling choice. The latter becomes unwieldy and fails to take advantage of Julia's type system.
The new solution: Cashflow
s. Our example above would become: [Cashflow(1,0.057), Cashflow(1,0.307),...]
Creating a new Contract
A contract is anything that creates a vector of Cashflow
s when collect
ed. For example, let's create a bond which only pays down principle and offers no coupons.
using FinanceModels,FinanceCore
# Transducers is used to provide a more powerful, composible way to construct collections than the basic iteration interface
using Transducers: __foldl__, @next, complete
A bond which pays down its par (one unit) in equal payments.
struct PrincipleOnlyBond{F<:FinanceCore.Frequency} <: FinanceModels.Bond.AbstractBond
# We extend the interface to say what should happen as the bond is projected
# There's two parts to customize:
# 1. any initialization or state to keep track of
# 2. The loop where we decide what gets returned at each timestep
function Transducers.__foldl__(rf, val, p::Projection{C,M,K}) where {C<:PrincipleOnlyBond,M,K}
# initialization stuff
b = p.contract # the contract within a projection
ts = Bond.coupon_times(b) # works since it's a FinanceModels.Bond.AbstractBond with a frequency and maturity
pmt = 1 / length(ts)
for t in ts
# the loop wich returns a value
cf = Cashflow(pmt, t)
val = @next(rf, val, cf) # the value to return is the last argument
return complete(rf, val)
That's it! then we can use this fitting models, projections, quotes, etc. Here we simply collect the bond into an array of cashflows:
julia> PrincipleOnlyBond(Periodic(2),5.) |> collect
10-element Vector{Cashflow{Float64, Float64}}:
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.1, 0.5)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.1, 1.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.1, 1.5)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.1, 2.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.1, 2.5)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.1, 3.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.1, 3.5)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.1, 4.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.1, 4.5)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.1, 5.0)
Note that all contracts in FinanceModels.jl are currently unit contracts in that they assume a unit par value.
More complex Contracts
Sets of contracts
Sets of contracts can be put in an AbstractArray
contained (e.g. a Vector
) and then handled together. For example, we combine two bonds as a portfolio to project together:
julia> c1 = Bond.Fixed(0.05, Periodic(1), 2.0);
julia> c2 = Bond.Fixed(0.04, Periodic(1), 2.0);
julia> Projection([c1, c2]) |> collect
4-element Vector{Cashflow{Float64, Float64}}:
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.05, 1.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(1.05, 2.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.04, 1.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(1.04, 2.0)
Contracts (<:AbstractContract
) and Projection
s can be modified to be scaled or transformed using the transformations in Transducers.jl after importing that package.
Most commonly, this is likely simply chaining Map(...)
calls. Two use-cases of this may be to (1) scale the contract by a factor or (2) change the sign of the contract to indicate an obligation/liability instead of an asset. Examples of this:
julia> using Transducers, FinanceModels
julia> Bond.Fixed(0.05,Periodic(1),3) |> collect
3-element Vector{Cashflow{Float64, Float64}}:
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.05, 1.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(0.05, 2.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(1.05, 3.0)
julia> Bond.Fixed(0.05,Periodic(1),3) |> Map(-) |> collect
3-element Vector{Cashflow{Float64, Float64}}:
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(-0.05, 1.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(-0.05, 2.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(-1.05, 3.0)
julia> Bond.Fixed(0.05,Periodic(1),3) |> Map(-) |> Map(x->x*2) |> collect
3-element Vector{Cashflow{Float64, Float64}}:
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(-0.1, 1.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(-0.1, 2.0)
Cashflow{Float64, Float64}(-2.1, 3.0)
Another example of this is how InterestRateSwap
[@ref] is implemented. It's simply a Composite
contract of a positive fixed rate bond and a negative floating rate bond:
function InterestRateSwap(curve, tenor; model_key="OIS")
fixed_rate = par(curve, tenor; frequency=4)
fixed_leg = Bond.Fixed(rate(fixed_rate), Periodic(4), tenor)
float_leg = Bond.Floating(0.0, Periodic(4), tenor, model_key) |> Map(-)
return Composite(fixed_leg, float_leg)
Cashflows are model dependent
An example of this is a floating bond where the coupon paid depends on a view of forward rates. See this section in the overview on projections for how this is handled.
Available Contracts & Modules
See the Modules in the left navigation for details on available contracts/models/functions.